
Showing posts from November, 2020

Filming blog for music video

  So for my filming process I am planning to go to a friends house to film it, there are many reasons why I'm doing this. I want to make this even better than my commercial video so I want to actually be outside. 2nd i want someone to help record the video and I don't want it to be just me, 3rd is that there are like lots of good sceneries by my friends place and he has actually taken this class before and can help me a lot. and finally he is really good at editing and will help with the process off editing the video due to my lack of knowledge in computers. He wont be doing most of the work at all but will really help in the filming process, like holding the camera, etc.. I'm not for sure what imp going to be exactly doing, but there will be a lot of sceneries and the course of the video will be slow due to my song having somewhat of  a slow chorus, i haven't actually started the filming process yet but I'm going to his place and Friday so that will give me a coupl

Planning Storyboard for my Music Video

  So I asked around and now know how this whole project works and I'm trying to make this as cool as possible, good quality and everything, this plan isn't 100% definently going to happen but its definently a possibility

Planning for my Music Video

  For my music video i plan to use a variety of props and make it really cool. The title of my son is called Hotline Bling by drake, i don't know at all what I'm doing for this assignment just yet, no idea how to make it, especially if there is no real people, i don't know how to record something that even symbolizes a music video at all. You said about that you can record object or pets, but how do you record like a desk or a park or any scenario and have music in the background, so this isn't really a planning blog, I just have no idea what I'm doing, can you please show an example of a blog next class or something. For the props i have no pets or anything and I'm also filming guy so maybe ill just record like a park or a swing moving. My schedule however is to start tomorrow after I ask you and Mr. Katz how to do this assignment, I'm just worried that it is really hard to make this look nice, like or I'm wondering if its even possible to make it look

Research project music video conventions

For my music video i am choosing the song Hotline Bling by Drake. This is my second time making my own video so i really don't know what im doing to be honest, i heard that it can be full animation, but i cant make my own show, i really am confused but i plan to come out strong. The conventions are going to be like a nice setting at like a park or something, maybe using a phone as a prop to like call as in "Hotline Bling", I'm not really sure how I'm going to make the video to be honest, i have a lot of questions. However, i hard you cant use real humans or don't have to, but i don't know how to use animation so i plan to ask you next class

Introduction to the Music Video Project

  For this project or music video I am working by myself. The reason for this is because there is just freshmen and soft mores in my class and I haven't seen anyone's face in my class nor do I know them. The song I am choosing is Hotline bling by drake because it was famous and it is like the only song that doesn't have curse words in my playlist

CCR quetions

  Critical Reflection questions 1)My film uses conventions such as a situation describing the the phone's special uses. I also used a demonstration of photos usually found in these types of films. However, my project did indeed challenge some conventions. For example, was the place my film occurred, usually iPhone shows off their phones in the real life world and real life situations, however mine was all at home. Another thing that challenged conventions was that my video didn't use a lot of props, for example like someone skating around the park. My video had no people really in the video it was jus the phone itself, however, I believe that I did my best considering the circumstances 2)My product showed the cool things it can do. For example the camera quality and how it can go underwater. Moreover, the newest wireless headphones, the air pods, that can easily connect to the iPhone in seconds. my product would be used in a real media text, in this text would just be the pros

Commercial Blog

  Commercial Blog This is like my first video i ever made that wasn't like screen recording, in all honestly i thought it was going to be extremely and terrifyingly bad. However, i tried as hard as i could, even though i was at home and i was by myself and couldn't really go out and make a professional video. I can say that it wasn't bad at all. I really don't know much about computers at all and for me to do all this importing and exporting was a real hassle. Although it has its faults, i am proud of my first production, it shows that i can do things that i think are really hard, its like a life lesson to be honest. However, i do see the aspects i can improve on i would say that this video is pretty good

editing blog

  Editing Blog The editing process was much harder than i thought it would be, i don't really about all this computer stuff, so it took me like 2 hours just to get my videos on this open shot video editing software, I didn't really know how to use that either, I just got the videos, put them in the desired order and got some background music and wallah, that was pretty much it, i wish i could have done it more professionally, but i just don't see how i could make it professionally, given the things i had i tried to make it the best, but i think its pretty up there considering my knowledge of filming

Filming Blog

  Filming Blog On November second and third I filmed my commercial. I did all the scenes in my house unfortunately, I just couldn't see how I would do it outside the house, i really wanted to get a sunset in the background for the start of the commercial but when I went outside I wasn't next to the beach so I couldn't see the actual sunset. And that day, which was yesterday it was cloudy for where I was at so I really dint see the sot very well, so I just decided to record it at home due too the pandemic and opportunity limits, during the filming i didn't use the tripod, i could hold the camera pretty straightly. My main problem was the underwater scene, i simply couldnt drop my or my mothers phone underwater due to the fact that they were cracked, i really really wanted this scene in the video however so i got 1 from online. However, even being at home the entire process took a while because I had to set everything up