Filming blog for music video

 So for my filming process I am planning to go to a friends house to film it, there are many reasons why I'm doing this. I want to make this even better than my commercial video so I want to actually be outside. 2nd i want someone to help record the video and I don't want it to be just me, 3rd is that there are like lots of good sceneries by my friends place and he has actually taken this class before and can help me a lot. and finally he is really good at editing and will help with the process off editing the video due to my lack of knowledge in computers. He wont be doing most of the work at all but will really help in the filming process, like holding the camera, etc..

I'm not for sure what imp going to be exactly doing, but there will be a lot of sceneries and the course of the video will be slow due to my song having somewhat of  a slow chorus, i haven't actually started the filming process yet but I'm going to his place and Friday so that will give me a couple of days to edit and revise and maybe reshoot some scenes


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