
Showing posts from March, 2021


So, unfortunately, i ended up not finding any abandoned houses in Texas, or more or less i was looking, i was too busy having fun. So, when i got back to Florida i was sad because i dint have any footage. No footage of me entering a spooky/abandoned houses so i could incorporate it in my final task. Nevertheless, i just need to look around my friends house and find some broken down house or like and eerie place to film the beginning of my final task. So, i really don't know what else to write, i haven't even started my project and I've written down my plan in a previous blog. All i can say is that I'm looking forward to doing this film this weekend. My main problem, is an editing software. Because right now i have the free software, im planning to get primer pro but it costs money. So, basically i need to beg Mr. Carleton for access to premier so i can make my video clean. So, um ya i also am going to best buy to buy like a really really good camera, not my phone, ill j

Production blog March 18

  So, I'm finally getting ready to do my final task. I really sucks that I'm just going to be the only actor unfortunately but at least I have one of my friends as the camera man and not my mom. I am actually going to go to Texas for a couple of days. The place I'm going to is much more open than in Hollywood, Florida where I'm doing most of the film. So, to show an eerie house, instead of using my friend's house (which isn't eerie at all). While in Texas I'm going to take the time and find some abandoned house and go there in the middle of the night, all to make this the best film Cambridge has seen. I wont actually explore the house, but ill have me talking to the boss on the phone as I walk up to it, ill take a bunch of vids from a bunch of different angles and use that in my film. So ill have me walking towards it from a distance in the beginning of my final task, and the actual final task itself of me investigating will be my friend's house. Ill try

Production blog March 15

  So vie decided the official dates that i am working on my project, during spring break I'm going to my friends house to record. I want to do it in an eerie place, and his house is obviously not eerie, however close by there are some dark and scary-ish ally ways with homeless people sometimes which we are going to use, or i am going to use, i can do the intro there and that place can kind of be like the pass-way to get into the house where the suspicious noises are coming from. As i said in my last production blog i want it to be very professional-like. With spring break i can achieve that as i have a week off school. In addition, i could go to his house multiple days. Instead of just doing the entire film in one day, like a usually do i can actually take multiple days, do many multiples of the same scene, and get the best one to make it more professional. I dont know hwhat esle to write for my production log, but i am really looking forward for this film.

Porduction Blog march 11

  For my production I'm going to go to my friends house again and he's going to help me record and edit my final task. In addition to being hard, it is also fun. Even though you have to reshoot scenes and do triggering editing it all pays off when you see the final production. Its not the destination, but the journey. I took this class to learn more about film, I never expected myself to make my own. So, during my production I plan to actually use a good camera this time. I don't want to use my phone. I want this production to look better than my other films. I have a lot of time on my hands and spring break is coming up. I want to get it done during that time possibly. I'm prepared to work hard and make a really good production, like a movie. Unlike my other productions, in the one i am going to be talking. I really don't want my voice to be muffled and i don't want to make it look weird by carrying a mic. I want this one to be like a trailer out of a movie. Th

Storyboard for final task

  So for now this is my storyboard. It is definitely subject to change and all, but for now i feel i will try to do by film by this storyboard, even though this storyboard may seem like embarrassing to do in real life, i will probably change it during the recording for that reason.

Editing blog final task

  Throught my editing process it went fairly smoothly. I added diegetic sound to the background and i feel like it flowed really well, the main problem was that my film passed the time and i had to cut some scenes out which really sucked. When trying to add effects and make the video flow generally more better it was a hard task. Even though i made the music video film i feel like editing is the hardest and the easiest, just time consuming i feel like. I had to watch a bunch of YouTube videos and i got a better editing software to help with the process. While adding the music it actually took a lot more time then i anticipated, since i wanted it to flow really nicely it was difficult to decide on the certain piece of music i wanted to use as the background

Filming Blog final task

  So during my filming it was a fun process of course, i got my friend to help out with recording me and do various things and ect. However some of the things i did and some of the things i did not film. For example, the cat dead body thing i felt that was really cringy and stuff so i messed with my script a lot to make it more adultlike, i didn't want my video to be that cringy at least not that much, i used the same location, which was the house and like a place close by, there was no rain thankfully. My entire script like the phone call i made it sound better and everything, instead of me being the only producer and stuff, i got a friend to help me out with recording the scenes. The problems i ran into was the fact that my video was just simply bad and i had to redo it, i didn't want to just B.S the assignment i wanted it to look like i actually tried, at least a little bit.

Planning for final task: title design

Presented by Ahmed industries Ahmed company Actor's names' Billy- Ahmed CC- Cat Boss- My friend Casting by Ahmed Siddique Music by Ahmed Siddique Visual Effects Ahmed Siddique Costume designer Ahmed Siddique Edited by Ahmed Siddique Producer Designer Ahmed Siddique Produced by Ahmed Siddique Story by Ahmed Siddique Written by Ahmed Siddique Directed by Ahmed Siddique Casting by **Music by Visual Effects Costume Designer **Edited by Production designer

Planning for final task: Other info

Location Corona Virus(Health and safety) To combat coronavirus i will be wearing a mask at all times and make sure after i touch anything dirty i will wash my hands and avoid touching my face. Number of characters -Just me Schecule I want to finish this film immediatly so on March 20th- Film March 21st- Edit March 22nd-Edit March 23rd- Revise march 24ht-Finalise

Planning for final task: scripts

Shooting script Scene 1 -me on the phone talking to the boss -detective- what happened -boss-A reported body has been found, there was a lot of yelling and scratching, anyone who nears the house says that they hear loud screeching coming out of it -detective- does anyone live there -boss- a family of 3 but they apparently are out of town, i want you to see why this place is scaring people -detective- why don't you get real police, I'm better with dead bodies -boss- there all out, there could be one, i want to send you in, there's been no movement outside of the house so there's something in there, the noises have currently died off, i need you to investigate -detective- roger that Scene 2 - walking from a distance towards the house, looking around the suspicious area, -no dialogue Scene 3 -gets suplies ready, from small looking suitcase -puts on detective glasses and gets magnifying glass scene 4 walks in house-noise from creaking door -np dialague -eerie music in backg