Genre Research:Horror


-couldn't get entire pp, its a google doc, i tried everything only jpeg works

For this PowerPoint i pretty much went over the entirety of the horror genre. I went over the CLAMPS and CAMPS of the genre and the overall convention of it. So, for CAMS, which stands for Camera angles, shots and composition i went into detail about how the genre horror is exemplified and used in film. For example, how a low angle shot makes the setting or subject look grand or threatening. And Also CLAMPS which is another word for mis-en-sen, which pretty much is the foundation of all films and it varies throught the genres. It simply means costumes, lighting, acting, makeup, props, settings. So for one of the examples in my PowerPoint i went over the movie joker. Obviously we know joker has some scary makeup, some scenes that portray surprise and scariness are dark and there is little lighting, and the costumes and acting of course of joker is abnormal, Just like IT, the clown movie where the guy is dressed up, immediately we can categorize this movie in the horror genre simply because of his costume and makeup


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