Genre research: comedy and Romance



Common Cams

-Zoom show a character from far distance, establishing shot, intro to a show, master shot to include entire group talking and cracking jokes etc., Close-up shot to show a small portion of a face. Tracking to show a character being dramatic, Hand held to increase dramaticness

Common Clamps

Costumes would consist of normal clothing or something extremely crazy, never in between. Lighting would be bright never dark or eerie, that the horror genre. Acting would mainly consist of the characters doing stupid stuff or talking to each other during a master shot. No makeup. Props could be just normal stuff nothing to crazy, focusing on the characters. Setting could be someone's apartments like the show friends

Common Editing

Shot/Reverse shot to show to characters talking, Parallel editing because maybe a character is doing something totally different from the other guy who is doing it correctly

Common sound

Non-diegetic sounds used when characters say something funny and there is an invisible audience who laughs after each joke that is made to increase the dramticness

Elements I dislike and like

Nothing really i don't like i always enjoy watching comedy films especially for some reason the background laughing, i dont know why i just like it


Common CAMS

Master shot including both the characters like kissing or something, High angle so show the love scene from an angle to spice it up, close up to emphasize the thing that is going on, pan to show the characters walking together by a lake in the dark or something, holding hands


Costumes could be just normal clothing, lighting could be dark if love scene, or dark when walking on the beach alone to emphasize how alone the two characters are. Acting would be very good because it shows like sex in real life but they really not doing it just faking. Props and setting could be a beach or bedroom

Common editing

Eyeline match, dissolve, reverse shot

Common sounds

Sound the characters would make so diegetic, or non diegetic if there's a violin in the background or singing while the walk or make love

Elements i dislike and like

I don't like anything about this genre I think it is weird and for perverts, its disgusting really.


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