
Showing posts from February, 2021

titel research( Jumangi)

  At first glance this looks like a science-fiction type or action and adventure type movie. However, one we take a look at the movie poster there is Kevin heart and the rock and some fat guy and a random girl. Even though there is the rock, he is paired with Kevin heart looking at something so we know that it is action and adventure mixed with comedy. The opening sequence to this movie consists of a classroom with a bunch of kids, they find the Jumanji board and enter the game blah blah blah. Up until that moment its is science fiction, but when the dinosaurs appear and everything which is fiction that's when the comedy starts. Kevin heart is there and he says funny and stupid and silly remarks. Its target audience is anyone who wants to get a good laugh there is nothing inappropriate, no gore, it seems like a family friendly funny movie parents can watch with there small children. Technology has been used effectively to make the fake dinosaurs and seem like everything is very rea

title research( deadpool)

  At first glance this movie looks like an action and adventure type movie. Maybe something like captain America or iron man, like a superhero movie. However, there is a majority of comedy associated with this movie. Right away in the opening scene there is a master shot of Deadpool just sitting on the edge of the freeway, listening got music and kind of dancing while drawing a kindergarten level drawing at the same time. Just by this we know that this has a potential to be a comedy movie. Through CLAMPS he is wearing a superhero costume which kind of contradicts normal comedy movies and shows but the director uses this to his advantage to make it even more comedy. A superhero who is like funny and not some random guy, but a superhero who is funny. In addition as the first fighting scene takes place he isn't very serious at all, he laughs and make funny remarks as he fights. This movie appeals to the targeted audience through gore and a little bad language. It isn't some kids m

title research(elf)

  You can already tell right away, without even watching the movie that this is a comedy, even if you removed everything but the actor. The actor is will Ferrell as said in the poster and he is known to be a funny guy and you know he is associated with the comedy genre and not romance or horror. In addition, even if it wasn't him, the poster is of a grown man in a elf costume. This picture of an elf in yellow tights and pointed black shoes tell the audience that it is directed to a more family friendly type movie and there most probably wont be any type of adult stuff. In addition, the time this movie was let out tells us that the movie is going to be Christmas related and all Christmas moves are more a the family-friendly type and a comedy. The costumes and makeup of the elves target child audiences because those little kids believe in Santa and they think this is cool. A varity of shots are used, master shot and establishing shot are used heavily to display the setting and the co

title research(ted)

  The titles that are displayed during the opening sequence are the people who made the movie, like the actors and the director/producers. They are pricely called the movie opening credits. The beginning sequence portrays that this movie is in fact a comedy movie and its goin got be all fun and games. The opening scene which is just ted and the guy sitting on coach smoking weed and eating cereal just talking about life. That is how you know it is a comedy. The genre is definitely comedy because you can tell by CLAMPS. They dont look to crazy, they have no makeup, and the setting is the world, like in a house, a restaurant, a football game. Lastly there is a diegetic sound which means that sound comes from the characters, there is no off screen sound that comes from some invisible monster. 

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

  This website is about different movies and shows. To be honest io really don't know how to do anything else on this website besides watch videos, it was pretty hard to navigate. But i watched some and now i have a good idea of like a good film i guess. Its pretty cool, the things people think of and how they think of it. There are also some interviews on the director's vision. When i make my final task will be like them and feel as if though i am my own director and make my own director's vision

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

  I learned a lot from this website. I saw a variety of shows and movies, and how exactly the movies were shown and what the foundation was. Basically the director's vision on how he wanted the show or movie to be portrayed to the audience. We also go deep inside with interviews with actors and producers to really learn what they were thinking when producing the entirety of the film. Im going to use this website to really think about my pitch and the pillars that hold my pitch up and why i am doing it and for what reason

Genre research(Elf)

  So my second movie is definitely going to be elf. The reason is because he is just so different from anywhere else. He is the tallest elf and doesn't fit in at all. Although he is dumb and stupid he is happy and outgoing. And i don't particularly like romance but he has a girl towards the end of the movie so im glad to see that he is happy even more, and the things he does which leads to his father hating him then liking him appeal to me a lot. I like the fact that he does what he wants to do and doesn't care about what others think, he is his own man and he is cool. The elements i don't like it that period of time where his father doesn't like him and makes him sad

Genre research(Deadpool)

  This last movie is definingly a comedy comedy movie. He is kind of stupid just like the rest of the comedy shows I've discussed. He is fearless and extremely confident. I find it funny how he is really confident and still fails. Like thinking you are going to get a question right but then you end up being very wrong. He tries to beast up a bad guy and ends up breaking all of his hands, while he does this he criticizes himself in a  funny way saying stupid stuff and just when he breaks his need he goes ahead and breaks his other hand as well. The elements i don't like include the romance in the film, i don't know why i just don't like anything to do with two people together in any kind of film doing the nasty, i  believe that it is a private thing people should keep to themselves and that it shouldn't be made a movie or drawing out of

Genre research(Ted)

  So i watched movie alone sadly because i don't have a group, This movie is just amazing, there's nothing bad about it. The main character is fluffy bear who talks and like women and weed. And he's always with that guy making jokes and making fun of him, he's like the dominant alpha in the relationship. They actually end up fighting and ted wins proving he is the alpha. The elements that appeal to me are just the bears lifestyle similar of that of a human's and the his voice and the way he punches and how rude he is. And the fact that he is very blunt in his words and there is no censorship whatsoever. I dont like the part where he almost dies, it was very said and im not trying to cry while watching the movie im trying to laugh.

Genre decision blog

  So for my pitch I'm going to go over the genre comedy. I like to laugh and I've always loved watching those original shows as a kid. For example, some are friends, fun house, or whatever it is called. My fav 2 are horror and comedy and since i cant do horror I'm going to stick with comedy.

Genre research: comedy and Romance

  Comedy Common Cams -Zoom show a character from far distance, establishing shot, intro to a show, master shot to include entire group talking and cracking jokes etc., Close-up shot to show a small portion of a face. Tracking to show a character being dramatic, Hand held to increase dramaticness Common Clamps Costumes would consist of normal clothing or something extremely crazy, never in between. Lighting would be bright never dark or eerie, that the horror genre. Acting would mainly consist of the characters doing stupid stuff or talking to each other during a master shot. No makeup. Props could be just normal stuff nothing to crazy, focusing on the characters. Setting could be someone's apartments like the show friends Common Editing Shot/Reverse shot to show to characters talking, Parallel editing because maybe a character is doing something totally different from the other guy who is doing it correctly Common sound Non-diegetic sounds used when characters say something funny a

Genre Research:Horror

  - couldn't get entire pp, its a google doc, i tried everything only jpeg works For this PowerPoint i pretty much went over the entirety of the horror genre. I went over the CLAMPS and CAMPS of the genre and the overall convention of it. So, for CAMS, which stands for Camera angles, shots and composition i went into detail about how the genre horror is exemplified and used in film. For example, how a low angle shot makes the setting or subject look grand or threatening. And Also CLAMPS which is another word for mis-en-sen, which pretty much is the foundation of all films and it varies throught the genres. It simply means costumes, lighting, acting, makeup, props, settings. So for one of the examples in my PowerPoint i went over the movie joker. Obviously we know joker has some scary makeup, some scenes that portray surprise and scariness are dark and there is little lighting, and the costumes and acting of course of joker is abnormal, Just like IT, the clown movie where the guy is

My pitch

  My pitch- man wants to sell his burger, he has a dying business and he yearns for success, he will do anything to achieve his goals - i came to reach my conclusion of deciding my pitch through watching various funny vids on YouTube and discussing what would be funny with my self and what would be possible

Starting the final task

Hi, my name is ahmed siddique, and i am in 12th grade.  Unfortunately, i am working alone during this project. This is because i don't know a single person in my class and like i have no way of making friends. I mean i could but i would have to go out of my way to make an e-friend that i haven't never seen in real life, so id'e like to pass on that idea. My blogs wont be the same as anyone else because i'm working alone on this project   Hi,