plan update for music video

 I know this sounds bad but I'm going to start filming the 7th, the place I'm going to, its my friends house like i previously said and the reason I'm filming so late is because he is also going to make my pc and fix it up, he's like 30 minutes away so parents have to drive 2 hours just to pick and drop me so i cant go very often, i have to wait to film and to bring all my pc parts the same day. Nevertheless, that leaves me with 2 days for filming and editing, so like 48 hrs., and i already have a plan for what I'm doing, as said in my filming and my storyboard blogs.     To sum it up I'm just going to go over and go on the roof and on the lake and shoot some cool scenes and try my best to make this video not good. I was originally not going to leave the house due to covid, but i don't care at this point, i just go outside and like hang out out my friends every other day and nothing has happened, im really glad that im going to film it outside and have it more professionally looking


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